How to Peak for Competition, Part 2 : Are You in Shape?
This FREE pdf can help coaches and athletes assess their current ability level and then prioritize their training to fit their individual needs.
If you're not in shape, hard training will pick you apart.
A few months ago, I had the opportunity to talk with Randy Couture and I ask him how he was able to compete for so long.
He told me that win, lose or draw...he was back in the gym on Monday. Staying in shape and keeping his body moving was key to his long term success.
Many guys take 2 weeks, or more, off after fights and then have to work hard to get back in shape. Lots of guys get injured during this time. The longer the break, the harder you'll have to work to get your body and mind back into the zone.
The key is to have a plan that varies in intensity and allows you to always have a good level of strength and conditioning.
Below we've organized some simple, low tech ways to test your conditioning levels and monitor your health all year long.